Paul Kobriger is a ballpoint pen artist living in Escondido, CA with his wife and three children. He grew up skateboarding and drawing in a small town in Wisconsin before moving to San Diego for sunnier skies and maybe a job at a skate shop. His drawing took a backseat for nearly 20 years as he pursued a career in skateboarding that ultimately led him to the Marketing Director position at TransWorld SKATEboarding Magazine. Inspired by the talents of his new coworkers and friends – writers, photographers, designers – Paul decided it was high time to dust off the pen and pad and see if he could still do it. At age 39, after 20 years of not creating a single art piece, Paul rediscovered his talent and love of drawing and has been doing it consistently for the past 2 years. His favorite medium is ballpoint pen and his works, mostly portraits, are primarily divided into 2 unique styles – stipples and scribbles. The stipple pieces are hyperrealistic drawings made up of millions of dots and take upward of 3 months to complete, while the scribbles are much looser and far less time-consuming. Paul also enjoys dabbling in woodworking and makes custom handmade frames for his prints out of the used (or sometimes new) skateboard decks for the legendary skateboarders he draws.

PAUL KOBRIGER “Mark Gonzalez Portrait”
Ballpoint Pen drawing (print), custom frame made from Skateboard