Shawn Foley | “Generator”
This art piece was painted by Shawn Foley inspired by a moment at “Surf City Blitz” in 2018 of GREG GRAFFIN while performing with his legendary band Bad Religion.
The proceeds of this project will be given to “ROADIE RELIEF”
The proceeds of this project will be given to “ROADIE RELIEF” which exists to empower touring professionals. This “MUSIC MATTERS” project with Bad Religion will benefit roadies and their families during this pandemic until they secure their livelihoods back and their shows can turn back on.
Roadie Relief is committed to helping roadies and their families during this pandemic. These workers lean on their savings between tour cycles, but those funds have run thin or out. Just like you, the pandemic sent us into uncharted territory. ROADIE RELIEF is designed to help us navigate these waters.
“During the show they sweat and hustle, after the show, they spend more hours erasing evidence that they were ever there at all. Many of these key players work an average of 20 hours a day, then move on to the next city to make it happen all over again. Many of these crew members, “roadies,” have been doing this as a career for decades. Some of these roadies, while experts in this field, have never had any other job experience. Since the world pandemic, well over a hundred thousand of these people are left with no income and no financial assistance.” ~ Yeti Ward, Founder
Without our road crew there are no live concerts. Let us come together and support touring professionals in this difficult time because as we know MUSIC MATTERS today, tomorrow and forever.
Foley comments “When I saw the image I could sense the striking stage presence and charge that Greg delivers while performing and captured perfectly his signature pointing! The image translated perfectly in my chosen medium of black and white paint and high contrast elements. I added the legendary Bad Religion logo to bring this power piece together. It is still to this day one of the greatest pieces I’ve ever created.”
Roadies Relief is committed to assisting touring professionals during this difficult time and to make this journey a little better for everyone and we appreciate your support to them.
Without our road crew there are no live concerts. Let us come together and support touring professionals in this difficult time because as we know MUSIC MATTERS today, tomorrow and forever.